Legion of


Adventure Comics
269gd (1st appearance Aqualad) $17.95,
289gd (Phantom Zone, Bizarro World) $6,
341gd/vg (Triplicate Girl becomes Duo Damsel) $3.95,
347fn+ (Jim Shooter & Curt Swan Legion story) $8.95,
350fn/vf (Prince Evillo & the Devil's Dozen) $14,
351fn/vf (1st appearance White Witch) $16,
Adventure Comics #353
Adventure Comics #369
Adventure Comics #379
353fn (Fatal Five, death of Ferro Lad) $11,
355vg (Superman meets the Adult Legion, Insect Queen joins) $6,
357vg/fn (Ghost of Ferro Lad) $8,
358gd/vg (Jim Shooter Legion story) $3.95,
359vf (Jim Shooter & Curt Swan Legion story) $19, 359gd $2.50,
362vg/fn, 363vg/fn (Mantis Morlo, Chemoids, Jim Shooter) $4.95,
366fn (4th appearance Fatal Five, Shadow Lass joins) $8.95,
366vg/fn $4.95, 366gd/vg $2.95,
367vg/fn (new Legion Headquarters, 1st appearance of the Dark Circle) $5.95,
368gd (Jim Shooter & Curt Swan Legion story) $1.95,
369vg (Legion, intro Mordru) $4.50,
371vg (1st appearance Chemical King) $4.50,
372fn/vf (Timber Wolf & Chemical King join) $12, 372fn $8,
373vg (intro Tornado Twins) $3.50, 373gd/vg $2.50,
374fn (1st appearance of the Taurus Gang & Black Mace) $6.50,
376fn/vf (Jim Shooter & Win Mortimer Legion story) $11,
376fn $6.50, 376vg/fn $4.95,
378fn/vf (Fatal Five, Jim Shooter & Win Mortimer Legion story) $11,
378fn $6.50, 378vg/fn $4.95,
379vg/fn (Jim Shooter & Win Mortimer Legion story) $4.95,
380vf (last Legion story in Adventure) $24

Cosmic Boy (1986, Paul Levitz & Keith Giffen)
1 (JLA) $1.95, 1vf+ $1,
2, 4 $1.50

L.E.G.I.O.N. (1989)
1, 2 $1,
3 (Lobo appearance) $2.95,
4 (Lobo) $2.95,
5 (Lobo joins) $2.95,
6-12, 14, 15 $1,
13 (Lar Gand appearance) $1.25,
16 (Lar Gand joins) $1.25,
17-30 $1,
31 (Captain Marvel) $1.50,
32-42 $1,
L.E.G.I.O.N. Annual
1 (Lobo, Superman) $2.95,
2, 3 75¢

Legionaires Three (1986, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, Keith Giffen)
1-3 $1, 1vf+, 3vf+ 50¢, 4vf+ $1

Legion of Substitute-Heroes Special (1985, 52pages, Keith Giffen) 1 $1.50

Legion of Super-Heroes (1973)
1vf/nm $15, 1vf+ $11,
2vg/fn, 3vg/fn $2.50,

Legion of Super-Heroes (1980, formerly Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes)

Legion of Super-Heroes #259
Legion of Super-Heroes #268
Legion of Super-Heroes #269
Legion of
Legion of
Legion of
259nm (Superboy leaves Legion) $12.95, 259vf $3.50,
260 $3.50,
261 $2.25,
262 $3.50, 262vf $1.25, 260fn+, 262fn 85¢,
263 $2.95,
264* sale price $1.25, 264vf+ 85¢,
265 (origin Tyroc, Tyroc leaves Legion)* sale price $1.25,
266vf $1,
267 $2.95, 267vf+ $1.75, 267fn $1,
268vf+ (Steve Ditko) $1.50, 268vf $1,
270 (Fatal Five) $2.25,
271fn (Fatal Five) $1,
272vf+ (Blok joins, origin Blok, Steve Ditko) $1.50,
Legion of Super-Heroes #277
Legion of Super-Heroes #279
Legion of Super-Heroes #288
Legion of
Super-Heroes #277
Legion of
Super-Heroes #279
Legion of
Super-Heroes #288
273vf+ (Brainiac vs Brainiac 5) $1.25, 273vf 85¢,
274vf+ (Steve Ditko) $1.25,
275 $2.50,

276vf+ (Mordru, Steve Ditko) $1.25, 276vf 85¢, 276fn 65¢,
277 (intro Reflecto) $3.50, 277vf+ $1.50,
278vf $1, 278fn,
279vf+ $1.50, 279fn 85¢,
280vf (Superboy re-joins) $1.25,
281fn 85¢,
282vg (origin Reflecto) 50¢,
283vf- (origin Wildfire) $1,
284-286 $1.95, 286vf $1,
287fn+ (1st appearance Chameleon Girl, 1st Keith Giffen) $1.50,
288, 289 $1.95,
290 (Great Darkness Saga begins) $4.50,
291-293 (Great Darkness Saga)
$1.95, 291vf+, 293vf $1, 293fn 50¢,
Legion of Super-Heroes #294
Legion of Super-Heroes #296
Legion of Super-Heroes #300
Legion of
Legion of
Legion of
294 (52 pgs, Darkseid, Orion, High Father, Supergirl) $3,
295 (Guardians, Green Lantern Corps) $1.75,
296 $1.50,
297 (Legion origin re-told) $1.75,
298 (1st appearance Amethyst) $2.95,
299 $1.50,
300 (68 pgs, Anniversary issue)* sale price $1.25,
301-303* sale price $1, 303vf+ 75¢,
304 (1st appearance Comet Queen) $1.50,
305, 306* sale price $1,
307 $1.50,
308-311* sale price $1, 309vf++, 311vf+ 75¢,
312 $1.25,

name changes to Tales of the Legion
314 $1.25, 314vf+ 85¢,
315 $1.95,
317, 318, 320 322, 323, 324 $1.75, 318vf+ 90¢,

Legion of Super-Heroes Annual
1 (1st appearance & origin new Invisible Kid) $1.50, 1vf+ $1, 1vg 50¢,
2 (Karate Kid & Princess Projectra wed) $1.50,
3 $1


Legion of Super-Heroes #14
Legion of Super-Heroes #25
Legion of Super-Heroes #34
Legion of
Legion of
Legion of
Legion of Super-Heroes (Vol. 3, 1984)
1 (silver ink logo) $1.95,
2, 3, 6-11 $1.25,
4 (death of Karate Kid) $1.75,
5 (death of Nemesis Kid) $1.75,
12 (Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad & Saturn Girl resign) $1.50,
13 $1.25,

14 (intro Tellus, Sensor Girl & Quislet) $1.95,
15, 17 (Crisis tie-in) $1.75,
18 (Crisis crossover) $1.95,
22 $1.50,
23, 24 $1.95,
25 (Fatal Five) $1.95,
26 (Fatal Five) * sale price $1,
27* sale price $1,
28 $1.95,
29* sale price $1,
30 (Brainy's Lucky Day) $1.50,
31 $1.95,
32, 33 (Universo Project)* sale price $1,
34 (Universo Project)$1.95,
36, 39, 40* sale price $1,
Legion of Super-Heroes #37
Legion of Super-Heroes #48
Legion of Super-Heroes #58
Legion of
Legion of
Legion of
41 (Millenium) $1.75,
42 (Millenium) $1.75,
43 (Millenium) * sale price $1,
44 $1.95,
45 (Anniversary issue)* sale price $1.50,
46 $1.50,
47* sale price $1,
48 $1.95,
49* sale price $1,
50 (double size, death of Time Trapper, Paul Levitz & Keith Giffen) $2.50,
51-53 (Paul Levitz & Keith Giffen) $1.95, 51vf+ $1,
54-56 $1.50,
58, 59 (Paul Levitz & Keith Giffen) $1.50,
61 (Magic Wars, Levitz & Giffin) $1.95,
62 (Magic Wars, Levitz & Giffin) $1.50,
63 (Magic Wars, Levitz & Giffin) $1.95, 63fn+ 65¢
Legion of Super-Heroes Annual (Vol. 3, 1984)
1 (Who Shot Laurel Kent?, Keith Giffen) $1.25,
2vf+ (Darkseid's Curse, Giffen) $1,
3, 4 $1.25

Legion of Super-Heroes #4
Legion of Super-Heroes #23
Legion of Super-Heroes #41
Legion of
Super-Heroes #4
Legion of
Legion of

Legion of Super-Heroes (1989, Vol. 4)
1vf+ (Keith Giffen script & art begin) $1.50,
2 (1st appearance Kono) $1.75,
3 $1.95,
4vf+ $1,
5 $1.95, 5vf+
6 (1st appearance of Laurel Gand, Celeste & Reflex) $1.95, 6vf+
7 $1.25, 7vf+
8 (origin) $1.50,
9-11 $1.50, 9vf+
12 (1st appearance of Kent Shakespeare) $1.50,
13 (includes Legion poster by Giffen) $1.95,
14-16 $1, 14vf+, 15vf
17 (Power Boy & the Tornado Twins die) $1.50,
18 $1.25,
19 $1.50,
21 (The Quiet Darkness, Darkseid, Lobo, 1st appearance BION) $2.95,
22, 23 (The Quiet Darkness, Darkseid, Lobo) $2.95,
24 (The Quiet Darkness, Darkseid kills Lobo) $5.95, 24vf $2.50,
25 (Batch SW6 full intro) $2.50,
26 (BION, Batch SW6) $1, 26vf+
27 (BION, Batch SW6) $1.50, 27vf+
29 (BION, Batch SW6) $1.75, 29vf+
30vf, 31vf+(SW6) $1,
32 (SW6 Karate Kid & SW6 Princess Projectra dies) $1.95,
35 (Sun Boy meets Sun Boy) $1.75,
40 $1.25,
41 (SW6 renamed Legionaires with new costumes) $1.75,
59 (Andromeda dies) $1.75,
70 $.75,
73 (1st full appearance Lightning Lord) $1.95,
74 (Superboy) $1.75,
75 (1st appearance Lori Morning) $1.95,
82 (Hulk?, 1st appearances of Kid Quantum, Monstress & Insect Queen) $3.50,
87vf+ (Deadman) $1
Legion of Super-Heroes Annual (1990, Vol. 4)
2 (Legend of Valor) $1,
7 (The Last Legionaire) $1

Secret Origins (3rd Series, 1986)
8 (Shadow Lass & Doll Man) $1, 8fn 50¢,
25 (Legion of Super-Heroes & Golden Age Atom) $1.50,
37 (Legion of Substitute-Heroes & Doctor Light) $1,
42 (Phantom Girl & Grim Ghost) $1,
46 (Titans & Legion Headquarters, 1st appearance Arm Fall Off Boy aka TDK) $9.95,
47 (Chemical King, Ferro Lad & Karate Kid) $1, 47vf+ 60¢,
49 (Newsboy Legion & Bouncing Boy) $1

Secrets of the Legion (1981)
1 (origin of the Legion) $1.95,
2 (origins of Brainiac, Shrinking Violet, Sun-Boy, Bouncing Boy, Ultra Boy, Mon-el & Katate Kid) $1.95,
3 $1.95

Superboy (1949)
114vg/fn (Phantom Zone) $3.95,
142vg/fn (Super-Monkey) $3.50,
186fn $1.95,
187vf (Dial H for Hero) $3.50,
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes
198fn/vf (Fatal Five, 1st appearance cameo Vashnu) $4.95, 198fn $3.95, 198gd/vg $1.95,
199fn (Bouncing Boy solo story, 1st appearance Hunter II) $3.95,
200fn/vf (Bouncing Boy & Duo Damsel marry, J'onn J'onzz & Supergirl cameo) $5.95, 200fn $4.95,
201fn/vf (re-intro Erg-1 as Wildfire, 1st appearance Infectious Lass & Porcupine Pete) $3.95, 201fn $2.95,
203fn/vf (Invisible Kid dies, 2nd Mike Grell issue) $6.95, 203fn $4.50,
205vf+ (100 pgs, intro page Neal Adams art, Devil's Dozen, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Mike Grell) $19,
209vf+ (Karate Kid new costume, Jim Shooter & Mike Grell) $5.95,
209vf $4.95, 209fn/vf $3.95, 209fn $2.95, 209gd $1.25,
210fn/vf (untold origin Karate Kid, Jim Shooter & Mike Grell) $4.95, 210fn $3.95, 210vg/fn $2.95,
11vf+ (Roxxas, Jim Shooter & Mike Grell) $3.95, 211vf $3.25, 211fn/vf $2.50, 211fn $2.25,
214vf+ (Jim Shooter & Mike Grell) $3.95, 214vf $3.25, 214fn/vf $2.50,

Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #215
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #219
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #222
Superboy & the
Legion of
Super-Heroes #215
Superboy & the
Legion of
Super-Heroes #219
Superboy & the
Legion of
Super-Heroes #222
217nm (Jim Shooter & Mike Grell) $16, 217nm- $12.95,
218nm- (Tyroc joins, 1st appearance Absorbancy Boy/Earth-Man, Mike Grell) $12.95, 218vf/nm $5.95, 218vf $3.25,
219vf/nm (Fatal Five, Jim Shooter & Mike Grell) $5.95, 219vf $3.25, 219fn $2.25, 219vg/fn $1.50, 219vg $1,
220vf+ (Jim Shooter & Mike Grell) $4.95, 220vf $3.25,
221nm (1st appearance Grimbor, Jim Shooter & Mike Grell) $16, 221nm- $11.95, 221vf/nm* sale price $2.50, 221vf $1.95,
222vf+ (Cary Bates & Mike Grell)* sale price $2.25, 222vf $1.95, 222fn $1.50, 222vg/fn $1.25,
223fn/vf (Time Trapper, 1st appearance Pulsar Stargrave, Jim Shooter & Mike Grell) $2.95, 223fn $2.50, 223vg/fn $1.75,
224vf+ (origin Pulsar Stargrave, Jim Shooter & Mike Grell) $3.95,224fn $2.25, 224vg/fn $1.50, 224vg $1,
226nm (1st appearance Dawnstar) $18, 226nm- $14.95,
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #227
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #233
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #239
Superboy & the Legion of
Super-Heroes #227
Superboy & the Legion of
Super-Heroes #233
Superboy & the Legion of
Super-Heroes #239
227vf+ (Pulsar Stargrave) $3.95, 227vf $3.25, 227fn $2.25, 227vg/fn $1.50,
228vf+ (Chemical King dies) $3.95, 228vf $3.25,
229vf $3.25, 229fn/vf $2.75, 229vg/fn $1.50,
230nm- $12.95, 230vf/nm $5.95,
230vf+ $3.95, 230fn $2.25,
232vf+ (giant size, Doctor Regulus) $3.95,
233vf+ (giant size) $3.95,
234vf+ (giant size, Composite Legionaire) $3.95, 234vf $3.25,
235vf/nm (giant size, Mike Grell)* sale price $2.50, 235vf+ $1.95,
237vf/nm (giant size, Walt Simonson)* sale price $2.50, 237vf+ $1.95, 237vf $1.75,
239vf+ (giant size, Story & Art Jim Starlin)* sale price $1.95, 239vf $1.75,
240vg+ (giant size, Grimbor, origin Dawnstar) $1.75,
241vf+ (giant size, Mordru, Prologue to Earthwar) $3.95, 241vf $3.50,
243nm (44 pages, Earthwar saga, Legion of Substitute Heroes) $12,
243vf $3.50, 243fn+ $2.25,
244vf+ (44 pages, Earthwar saga, the Dark Circle) $4.25, 244vf $3.25, 244fn+ $2.25,
245vf+ (44 pages, Earthwar saga, Mordru) $3.95, 245fn+ $2.25,
246vf+ (Fatal Five) $3.95, 246vf- $2.75,
247vf+ (Fatal Five) $3.95, 247vf- $2.75,
248vf/nm $4.95, 248vf- $2.75,
249vf/nm $3.95, 249vf+* sale price $1.50, 249vf $1,
250nm (Brainiac 5 gone mad, Jim Starlin story & art) $7,
250vf/nm $3.95, 250vf+ $2.75, 250fn $1.50,
251nm (Brainiac 5 gone mad, Jim Starlin story & art) $7, 251vf/nm $3.95, 251vf+ $2.75,
252fn/vf $1.95,
253vf+ (1st appearance Blok, Lazon, Mist Master, Neutrax, Silver Slasher & Titania) $4.95,
253vf $3.95, 253fn+ $1.95,
254fn/vf (Legion of Substitute Heroes, 2nd appearance Blok) $2.50,
255nm- (Jor-el, Lara & baby Kal-el) $4.95, 255vf/nm $3.95, 255vf+ $2.75, 255fn+ $1.50,
256nm (origin Brainiac 5) $7, 256vf/nm* sale price $1.75, 256vf+ $1.25, 256vf $1, 256fn+
...title changes to Legion of Super-Heroes

Who's Who in the Legion (1987)
1, 2, 4 $1.50, 5vf+, 6vf+ $1


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