Black Orchid (Gaiman)
Book One $1.95
Bloody Mary: Lady Liberty (Ennis) 2, 3 $1.25
Books of Magic (1990, Prestige Format, Neil Gaiman & John Bolton)
1 (1st appearance Timothy Hunter) $7.95,
2nm (Spectre, Constantine, Deadman, Zatanna, 1st appearance Justice League Dark?) $14, 2nm- $9.95,
3 (Doctor Occult) $2.50,
4 (Phantom Stranger, Death,
Doctor Occult) $4.95
Books of Magic (1994) ...available upon request
Children's Crusade (Gaiman) 1 $2
Death: The High Cost of Living (Gaiman) 1 $3.50,
2 $2.95,
3 $1.95
Death: The Time of Your Life (Gaiman) 3vf+ $1
Fables 9 $1.75
3 (Ennis) $1.50,
4 (Kent Williams, Bruce Jones, Paul Gulacy) $1.50
Gangland 2 $1
Goddess (Garth Ennis) 3 $1.50
Heartthrob 1 (Brian Bolland, Tim Sale) $1.50
Hellblazer (John Constantine)
1nm- $26, 1 (Special Edition) $1.95,
2 $8, 3 $6,
4nm (1st appearance Zed) $9.95, 4nm- $7.95,
6-7 $3.95,
8 (1st appearance Astra Logue) $5.95,
9 $4, 11 $3,
9vf+, 15vf+, 16vf $1.50,
20-22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30 $2.50,
18vf+, 26vf+, 28vf+ $1.25,
32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40 $2, 38vf+ $1, 41 1st Ennis $4, 41vf+ $2, 42 $3, 44 $2.50,
45, 46, 48-51, 56, 58 $2,
45vf+, 49vf+, 50vf $1,
62-65, 67, 69, 72, 74, 77-83, 130, 133 $1.50,
62vf+, 64vf, 65vf, 66vf, 67vf+, 68vf+, 72vf+, 73vf 75¢,
74vf, 76vf, 78vf+, 79vf+, 80vf, 82vf, 83vf 75¢
Hellblazer Special 1 $2.50
Hellblazer continued...
85, 86, 88, 90, 92, 101 $1,
135, 136 (Warren Ellis issues) $1.25,
155, 159, 163, 165, 170 (Brian Azzarello issues) $1.25,
177-179, 185 $1.25
Hellblazer Annual 1 $2.50
Horrorist (John Constantine) Book
I $1.50
Hitman (Ennis)
1 $9.95,
2-16, 21, 25-27, 49, 50, 56 $1.50, 48vf+ 75¢
House of Secrets 1-5 $1.50
Invisibles (Morrison)
1 $2.95,
2, 3, 6 $1, 6vf+ 75¢
100 Bullets 8, 9, 13, 14, 16-19, 23 $1.75, 31, 37, 39, 43, 44 $1.25
6fn $1.95, 6vg $1.50,
14 $2.50, 14fn/vf $1.25, 14fn $1,
36fn/vf $1,
37, 38, 44, 45 $1.95,
48-50 $1.95,
51vf++ (1st appearance 100 Bullets) $9.95,
52, 53 $1.95,
55vf $1.25,
56, 58, 60, 62, 63 $1.95,
Preacher (2016)
1 (AMC Special Edition) $1.50
Pride & Joy (Ennis)
3,4 $1
(Ennis) 3 $1
Sandman (1974,
1st series, Joe Simon & Jack Kirby)
1vf (1st appearance Bronze Age Sandman) $29,
2vf/nm !4.95,
4vg/fn, 5vg/fn $2
Sandman (1989,
2nd series, Neil Gaiman)
3vf/nm (John Constantine appearance) $12,
4nm- (1st appearance Lucifer) $69,
5nm (1st appearance Mervyn Pumpkinhead) $12.95, 5nm- $8.95,
7nm $8, 7fn $1.50,
9vf- $2.95,
10 (1st appearances of the Corinthian, Desire & Despair) $16.95, 10vf+ 10.95,
11 (1st appearance Matthew the Raven) $3.95,
12 $3.95,
13 (1st appearance Lady Johanna Constantine) $4.95,
15nm- $4.50, 15vf+ $2,
16 $4, 16vf+ $1.75,
17nm (1st appearance of Calliope) $5.95, 17nm- $4.95,
18vf+ $2.50, 18vf $1.50,
19 $1.95,
20 $3.50,
21 (1st appearance Delirium),
23 $3.95,
24 (1st appearance of Bast) $5.95,
25 (1st appearance of Dead Boy Detectives) $14.95, 25vf+ $9.95,
26, 27, 28 $4.95,
29 (1st appearance of Orpheus) $6.95,
30, 31 $3,
32-37 $2, 38vf+ $1.50,
39, 40 $2.95,
41 (1st appearance of Destruction) $3.95,
41fn $1.50,
42 (1st full appearance of Merv Pumpkinhead) ???,
43-45 $2.95,
46, 47, 48, 49, 51 $1,
50 (double-sized) $1,
52 $2.50, 52fn $1,
53 $2, 54 $1,
55 $2.50, 55fn $1,
56 $1,
57, 59 $2.50, 57vf+, 58vf, 59vf+ $1.25,
60fn 75¢,
61vf $1.25, 61fn 75¢,
62, 63 $1.50, 62vf+, 63vf $1, 62fn 50¢,
64vf+, 65vf+, 67vf+ $1,
66, 68, 74 $2
69vg/fn (death of Sandman, 1st appearance Dream) $2.25,
75 (double sized, Charles Vess) $6.95
Sandman: Gallery of Dreams $1.50
Sandman Special 1 (glow in the dark) $1.50, 1fn 75¢
Sandman (Just Imagine by Stan Lee & Walt Simonson) $2.50
Sandman Mystery Theatre 1, 2, 8, 11 $1, 1vf+ 75¢
Shade the Changing Man (1977, Steve Ditko)
1vf+ (1st appearance Shade the Changing Man)
$9.95, 1vf $7.95, 1fn/vf $5.95, 1fn $3.95,
2-6 ...available upon request
Shade the Changing Man (1990, Peter Milligan & Chris Bachalo)
(1st appearance Rac Shade the Changing Man)
$9.95, 1nm- $7.50, 1vf/nm $5.95,
2, 3, 5-8 $1
Strange Adventures 1 (Bolland, Quitely) $1.50
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Swamp Thing #1
Swamp Thing #4
Swamp Thing #5
Swamp Thing (Saga
of, 1982-1996, second series)
1 (origin retold, Phantom Stranger) $2,
2-4 (Phantom Stranger) $1, 4vf 75¢,
5-8 (Phantom Stranger) $1.50, 7vf+, 8vf+ 95¢,
9vf+ (Phantom Stranger) $1.25,
10, 11, 12, 13 (Phantom Stranger) $1.50, 13fn/vf 75¢,
(Phantom Stranger) $1,
15 $1.50, 15vf+ 85¢,
17vf+ $1,
18 (Steve Bissette) $1.95, 18vf 95¢,
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Swamp Thing #27
Swamp Thing #34
Swamp Thing #46
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Swamp Thing #50
Swamp Thing #53
Swamp Thing #58
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Swamp Thing #79 |
Swamp Thing Annual #2 by Alan Moore |
Swamp Thing Annual #4 |
79 (Superman) $2.95,
80 (1st modern age appearance Dominators) $2.95,
81 (Invasion, Dominators) $1.95,
82 (Sgt Rock) $1.95,
83 (Enemy Ace, Phantom Stranger) $1.95,
85 (Jonah Hex) $1.95,
86 (Rip Hunter) $1.50,
87-89 $1.50,
90 (1st full appearance Tefe Holland) $9.95,
91 $1.50,
92 (Simon Bisley cover) $1.95,
93 (John Totleben painted cover) $1.95,
94 $1.50,
95 $2.50,
96 $1.95, 96vf+ 95¢,
97 $1.50, 97vf+ 85¢,
98vf+, 99vf $1,
100 (double size, Kelley Jones) $2.50, 100vf+ $1.25,
101, 103-109 $1.50, 102 $1.95,
104vf+, 105vf+, 107vf+ 85¢,
110 (Nancy Collins begins) $1.95, 110vf $1,
111-113 (Nancy Collins) $1.50,
114 (Nancy Collins, 1st appearance of The Deep Ones) $2.95, 114vf+ $1.50,
115 (Nancy Collins) $1.50,
116-120 $1.50, 116vf+, 117vf+ 85¢,
121 (Charles Vess cover) $1.95,
123, 124 $1.50, 124vf+$1,
127vf+ $1,
129-135 (Nancy Collins) $1.50,
129vf, 133vf+ $1,
136-138 (Nancy Collins) $1.50,
136vf+, 138vf+ $1,
140, 142, 143 (Grant Morrison, Mark Millar) $1.95,,
144-148, 151, 163 (Mark Millar) $1.95,
147vf+, 155vf $1, 155vf+ $1.25,
Swamp Thing Annual
1 (Movie adaptation) $1.50,
3 (Congorilla) $1,
4 (Batman) $1.50,
5 (Neil Gaiman, Mike Mignola, Brother Power the Geek) $2.95
Swamp Thing (2011, the NEW 52) 1nm $7.50
Roots of the Swamp Thing (Berni Wrightson) 2 $2.95
Transmetropolitan 13-15 $1.75,
37, 38, 40, 41, 47-49, 54 $1.25True Faith (Ennis, Graphic Novel)
Unknown Soldier
(1997, Ennis) 1, 2 $1.50
Vamps 6 $1
Vertgo Preview 2012 50¢
Vertigo X Preview 50¢
V for Vendetta (Alan Moore)
1 $3.95, 1vf $1.95,
2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 $2.75, 7, 10 $3.50,
3vf+, 5vf, 8vf+, 9vf+ $1.50
Watchmen (Alan
1nm- $45,
2 $5.95,
7 $6.95
Weird War Tales 1 (Richard Corben)
Witchcraft La Terreur 1-3 $1.50